What We Believe

Our faith centers on the saving death and glorious resurrection of Jesus Christ. The authority for out belief is the Bible, which records the redeeming acts of God in history. The Old Testament looks forward to the coming of Jesus, the messiah, The New Testament recounts His life, death and resurrection and promises His return to establish His perfect kingdom. Our Church teaches that Holy Scripture contains all things necessary to salvation. Therefore, we teach as essential to salvation nothing that is not clearly set forth in the Bible.

The Good News of the Christian faith is that even though all have sinned and fallen short of what God asks of us. Jesus’ sacrificial death on the cross makes our forgiveness possible. We who are separated from God can know Him personally as we accept His free, undeserved offer of forgiveness and new birth. It is not possible for us ever to be “good enough” to earn our own salvation, but we rejoice that we receive assurance of eternal life in Christ when we put our trust in Him.

The Holy Spirit, given to all who confess that Jesus is Lord, seeks to change us and develop in us Christ-like characteristics of love, joy, peace, patience, etc. The Holy Spirit also gives us gifts for ministry, specific abilities that enable us to do the work God has called us to do. Our Rector (our word for the senior Pastor) teaches that the ministries of the Holy Spirit seen in the New Testament Church are good gifts that God still gives to Christians today.

Because we are called to grow in our knowledge and love of God, we place a high priority on Christian education for all ages. We expect that all those who are part of the Christ Church family will nurture their own spiritual growth by participating in the education offerings of the congregation and that parents will ensure that their children are able to join the classes and programs that will help them come to know God for themselves.

We believe it is the job of the clergy and of the church as a whole to train and encourage all members of the church in their own ministries (Saints is the New Testament word for all Christians). It is not the job of laity to support the clergy who do the “real” ministry. Every Christian is a minister who has a unique calling to serve God in the world and in the church.

Christ Church is part of the Episcopal Church in the United States and the worldwide Anglican Communion, Our faith, rooted in Scripture, can be summarized in the ancient Apostles’ and Nicene Creeds. These beliefs find expression in the Episcopal Church in congregations with widely differing styles and emphases. As a result, people from many church backgrounds have found the Episcopal church to be a welcoming and inclusive Christian community. We have never claimed to be the only true Church, and we openly affirm the vital Christian expression in other traditions. One of our core values is Love for the Searching and the Hurting. We know that many people have been deeply hurt by Christians because of who they are. A great many such people have found Christ Church to be a truly inclusive parish, welcoming people from all walks of life to worship with us and decide if this is the right church home.


Common Church Questions

More Questions

What About My Children?

Children are always welcome at worship. We also provide Nursery care year-round for infants through pre-school. During the school year, Sunday School for children age pre-school through Grade 6 is offered during our music program on Sunday mornings.

May I Receive Communion?

All baptized people may receive Communion. Instructions for how to do that are included in the worship bulletin.

How Should I Dress?

People who attend Christ Church vary in their attire from those who tend to be casual to others who are a bit more formal. God loves them equally! Dress however you feel comfortable.

How Can I Get Myself or My Child Baptized?

The first step is to worship with us for several months. Make sure you want to make Christ church your and your children’s spiritual home. Then contact the parish office at 978-342-0007 for more information.

Where Should I Enter?

Our church building takes up a whole city block and has many doors which often makes it confusing to visitors. If visiting us for worship on a Sunday, please enter through one of the red doors or the glass door at the end of the ramp on Main Street. If you would like to stop by our office during the week, please enter through the glass doors on Hartwell Street.